Janis Keuper


Our publicly fundet reserach projects: direct links to project websites.

Current Projects

KI-BohrerIMLA with Herrenknecht AG

Generative Models + Reinforcement Learning for the optimization of geothermal drilling

Gaia-X4KIBMWk fundet project at IMLA and ITWM

The GAIA-X 4 KI project investigates the development of a data and service ecosystem for the training and validating of artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

Past Projects

Q-AMeLiAfundet by the state of Baden-Würtemberg at IMLA

Quality Assurance of Machine Learning Applications.

DLseisIndustry Consortium at ITWM

Deep Learning in Seismic / Geophysics

Deep Topology Learningwith Uni Freiburg, LRZ + Psiori at ITWM and Uni Mannheim

AutoML at HPC scale. Find and optimize DNN hyper-parameters and topologies.